Friday 25 January 2013

Final Contents Page

I changed the colour of the message from the editor and the box around it to the same as the contents list and also changed the colour of the subscription box against the colours to make it stand out. Finally, I decided to use the two images of Luke behind each other to represent him as an individualistic artist to fit with the genre of my magazine.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Contents Page Draft 4

I added an advertisement for a subscription opportunity in the magazine that is fairly conventional to see in a music magazine contents page. I also added a full black background for the contents list, I feel this looked more effective then seperate boxes. Also, I centralised the masthead and moved the contents back down above the list.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Draft 3

Here I put different coloured boxes behind the letter in the word contents, making the word stand out and to give it a more alternative look to it. I also placed a hue/saturation effect over the image of Luke that already had a negative effect onto it. 

Draft 2

My teacher Becky recommended putting boxes around the text for the stories. I felt this looked much more effective then simply having it over the wall in the background, the text looks much more clear. Also I moved the word 'CONTENTS' to above the dotted line, making the layout fit to a much more conventional look for a contents page.

Friday 18 January 2013

Draft Process - Contents Page

Added the title from my front cover.

Applied a style similar to that of MOJO magazine with dotted lines underneath the title. 

Applied the desired background to the page. Then put the original image of classmate Luke posing as artist 'BOLTSXX' onto the page.

Applied black and white filter to make the text/colours stand out. 

Applied effect to a duplicate layer of Luke. 

Played with idea of Luke having multi-coloured shadow.

Put in the stories and page reference numbers for the actual contents.
Added box where I will put the message from the editor.

Re-added the duplicate layer of Luke.

Started to write the message from the editor and added a photo of friend Ronan posing as the editor.

Changed the colour of text in the message from the editor to fit the colour scheme. 

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Final Front Cover

This is my final front cover after I made the changes recommended by my teacher Rebecca Ives. The changes I made where just to the colour scheme, changing the orange that was in the masthead to match the pink and yellow colours I used on the rest of the cover. 

The three colour scheme is now pink, yellow and grey. This is not conventional to magazine front covers of any genre however I feel this connotes the alternative style that I want my magazine to acquire.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Feedback - Teacher Rebecca Ives

This is the feedback I received from my teacher, Rebecca Ives. There are re-occurring comments from my peer feedback like a good layout and that I need to consider the colour scheme. This I will take into consideration when constructing my contents page and double page spread and I feel this will help me on my way to creating a much more professional looking magazine. 

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Peer Feedback Comments

I feel that the comments that I have recieved have been very useful and I feel they will help me when creating covers in the future and for my contents page and double page spread. I should ensure that there are no areas on the cover that seem empty as a re-occuring comment was the right hand side of my cover looked empty. Furthermore, I need to ensure that the colours that I include do not look too bright also. 
Proud of you

Feed Back

Ellie Broughton

The work you have done is fantastic and I can tell you have worked really hard and have a lot of extra work which is excellent. On your front page I like the colour scheme and the way your model is wearing a mask and how it has been edited is really cool. The only improvements I could suggest would be adding coverlines to the right hands side of your magazine.


Becky Marrow

The work you've done so far is up to a good standard and I can see the process before you completed your first draft really well, I also think the way you have commented on some of your drafts shows you've worked hard.

Your final draft is eye-catching and the colours match each other, the bands you've mentioned on your cover lines and your main artists also fit the music genre of your magazine. Overall it looks very conventional and professional.

To improve I would feature more cover lines down the right hand side of your cover as it seems a little empty


I think your blog is looking good so far, I think the work you have done is at a good standard. I think all 3 of your drafts are very different, and the colours you have used work well together. The image you have used is interesting and the different ways you've edited it make the image look totally different. I think your font stands out and is easy to read from a distance. Think your plan on your progress has loads of information, and you've explained each step you have done well. You have explained your sources and the reasoning on why you've changed the things you have. I don't think many things have to be changed or anything more should be done.

Emma Barker

Peer Feedback by Amelia R

The blog looks good because it has met all of the requrements that were set. Also the colour scheme matches the colours of the front cover mock ups which is cool.

I think that the front cover is great because the coulours are attractive and eyecatching and it looks life a professional magazine.

I think it could be improved by changing the colour the bar at the bottom because it looks a little too bright.