Monday 3 December 2012

Double Page Spread Conventions

These 3 examples are taken from established, existing products. The image of the artist is the most dominant on the page. Conventionally this will overlap over both pages, so that the double page spread is not simply just a picture and text, the overlapping image looks a lot more effective. Another convention of double page spreads is to have a pull quote from the artist in large text across the page. A good example is the quote from Jimi Hendrix on the middle picture.

For my double page spread, I will include both of these elements with my main image overlapping over both pages and also a pull quote from my artists. For my main image, I plan to have the artist in the lion mask seen on my front cover, surrounded by other animal masks scattered across the floor. Furthermore, the pull quote that I will use will have the same message put across by MF DOOM in his red bull interview that I posted onto my blog, when he argues that the publicity given to artists should purely be due to their talent and what they sound like, not what they look like.

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