Wednesday 12 December 2012

Masthead Ideas - Magazine Title

"" definition of psych - to prepare psychologically to be in the right frame of mind or to give one's best (often followed by up ): to psych oneself up for an interview.

I felt that this would promote a positive image about my website from the start, showing the magazine as in the right frame of mind to give the best that it could. Furthermore, the word psych has associations with the psychadelic sub-genre within my alternative genre that my magazine has, letting the audience know straight away what the genre of my magazine is. Famous bands within the alternative genre of my magazine use the word psych also, below is a link below to an NME article with Tame Impala, a band I used on my inspiration mood board, explaining the top 5 'psych tracks'.

Tame Impala's Top 5 Psych Tracks

"Wikipedia" defines the word MOB as Mob commonly refers to a crowd of people (from Latin mobile vulgus, meaning "fickle commoners").

I felt that this would create a feeling of togerthness within the audience. The audience would feel loyal and proud to become part of the 'Mob' that supported the magazine. Despite the word's latin meaning being 'fickle commoners', I felt that it would create a sense of community and that the audience were proud to be this group. Another idea I had with this definition is starting up a 'hashtag' for readers to use on their social networking sites as they are proud to be part of the 'Mob'. For example '#COMMONERS' or '#FICKLECOMMONERS'

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