Monday 19 November 2012

Focus Group

Questions Asked:
1) How many of you actually buy music magazines and does anyone have a subscription to one?
2) If not, it this because it is too expensive to pay weekly for a magazine?
3) If you were to buy a music magazine, what genre would it be?
4) Would you be more likely to buy a magazine if it had free gifts included?
5) Would you be more likely to buy a magazine if it mean you had the chance to be entered into a competition/ you had a chance of winning something?
6) How much would you be willing to pay for a weekly magazine?
7) How often would you buy a magazine - weekly/monthly?
8) What sort of content would you expect from a music magazine? For example gig, artist reviews etcetera...
9) Would you be more likely to buy a magazine if it included one of your favourite artists?
10) Would you prefer the information you could get from a music magazine in a different format e.g. Apps, twitter, a web page...

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