Monday 19 November 2012

Reader Profiles

NME Reader Profile

Readers of NME are predominately male. This means that the majority of content will not be based around subjects stereotypically aimed at women like what would be in a women’s magazine for example ‘Cosmopolitan’ or ‘Grazia’. Instead, content will be more strongly aimed at men with most reviews written by males and with NME’s first female editor only starting in 2009.

The median age of readers in the magazine is 23, which makes a large percentage of reader’s students at 42%. This can relate to my music magazine as my magazine is within a similar genre of music and also has a similar target audience. With my audience being predominantly of the younger generation, most will still be in full time education and therefore will not have too much disposable income.

Readers of a music magazine at this age will be considering going to the year’s music festivals therefore adverts and promotions for these are effective in NME.  Furthermore including these festivals and big names means that it will be in the consumer’s interests to find out more about the festivals and therefore makes the audience of the music festivals, the customers for NME.

I could also incorporate this idea into my magazine as I could also include information or even competitions with respect to the music festivals in the country, possibly widening my target audience.


MOJO is seen as a High quality magazine, with expert opinions on both new music and all-time classics. The highest percentage of readers comes from the age 35-44 range, meaning that the majority of readers will be earning a steady income, years into their career and therefore a higher wage than the younger generation and will have more disposable income. Therefore, MOJO’s audience can afford to pay extra for a higher quality magazine.  MOJO has achieved this status with a 20 year heritage.

Content is also aimed at this age range, as the magazine contains the latest news on older, classic bands that the majority of are retired. This is because these bands will have been most popular around the time that these readers in this age range were young.

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