Thursday 22 November 2012

Mock Up (using found images)

This is a quick mock-up I did using found images to show the ideal colour scheme and to look into the logistics of actually creating the front cover. I encountered problems because the main image on the front cover is a close up, therefore I needed to make it bigger to fit it onto the page. I will use a medium-close up instead as this is more conventional to magazine front covers and also will mean that I will have more room to include other content like headline stories.

I took the inspiration for my colour scheme from the NME front cover I used on my mood board, showing a black and white image with other content in red on the front cover therefore they stand out and will catch the readers eye on the shelf.

I also took inspiration from the NME front cover by having the information about a competition in the magazine inside a coloured bubble, in my actual front cover I will make this smaller as I feel it is a little too dominant on this mock-up front cover.

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